The scientific peer-reviewed journal of Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting

The scientific peer-reviewed journal " Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting " (continues  "Proceedings of the Hydrometeorological Research Center of the Russian Federation") has been published since 1947 and provides a platform for publication of the main results in the area of fundamental and applied hydrological and meteorological  research encompassing following subjects:
  •  new and improved methods of hydrometeorological forecasts with different lead-time; including forecast methods of dangerous meteorological phenomena; hydrological and  agro-meteorological forecasts; development of the atmosphere, ocean,  upper layer of the soil, models  coupled atmosphere-ocean models as well as models of  hydrological processes on the continents;
  •  scientific reviews of leading scientists in the field of numerical weather forecasts, aviation meteorology, hydrological and marine hydrological forecasts;
  •  reports of international and national scientific conferences held by the Hydrometcentre of Russia;
  •  the most significant scientific results achieved by young specialists and scientists.
Since December 1, 2015, the Journal has been included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The journal's articles correspond to the groups of scientific specialty:
1.6. Earth and Environmental Sciences;
The following scientific specialties and corresponding branches of the Science the group:
1.6.16 Hydrology of land, water resources, hydrochemistry
- Geographical, physical and mathematical, technical sciences;
1.6.17 Oceanology
- Geographic, physical and mathematical, technical sciences;
1.6.18 Atmospheric and climate - Geographical, physical and mathematical, technical sciences)
1.2 Computer Science and informatics:
1.2.2 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software-
- Physical and mathematical, technical sciences;

The main editor of the journal is Vilfand Roman M., Scientific supervisor of FGBU "Hydrometeorological Center of Russia", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Honored Meteorologist of the Russian Federation.
In 1979, the journal was assigned the International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 0371-7089, now ISSN 2618-9631 due to the name change.

Since 2011, the journal Proceedings of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia and now the journal Hydrometeorological Research and Forecasting - subscription edition, index PP976 on the Catalog of the Russian Post JSC  and included in the system of the Russian index of scientific citation of the SEL.

The journal is intended for scientists, specialists, post-graduate students, senior students interested in the results of modern research in the field of the theory and practice of hydrometeorological forecasting.
Electronic versions of the journal are available on the website

The card of the publication on the website: www.elibrary