Hydrometeorological Research Center of Russian Federation (Hydrometcenter of Russia)
Address: 13, building 1, Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, Moscow, 123376, Russia
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Fax: +7 (499) 255-15-82

Director - Sergei V. Borsch
Scientific supervisor - Roman M. Vilfand
Deputy Director - Dmitry B. Kiktev
Deputy Director - Valentina M. Khan
Deputy Director - Yuri A. Simonov
Scientific Secretary - Natalia A. Shestakova
Principal tasks of the Hydrometcentre of Russia:
- Investigation of the Atmosphere-Ocean-Land system for the purposes of hydrometeorological forecasting;
- Provision of the population, policy makers and national economy with operational hydrometeorological information, including warnings on adverse and disastrous weather phenomena.
Principal areas of research:
- Weather forming processes
- Modeling and monitoring of atmospheric circulation
- Modeling of the oceanic processes, investigation of the atmosphere-ocean interaction and hydrological processes on continents
- Development of hydrometeorological forecasting methods
- Development and putting into operation new information technologies
There are 18 departments and laborotaries and 11 other administrative and managing elements at Hydrometcentre of Russia.